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Public Transport to De Haan

As the times and routes regularly (temporary) change, we always recommend to use the website Through this website you always have the correct date and time of date that you have planed to using public transport. You'll also get direct information about the price, the total travel time, connection points, transfer times, etc.

Nearest train station to De Haan

[i]Railway station Blankenberge[/1]
Leopold III-Plein
8370 Blankenberge

Just outside the train station you can take the Bus or Tram towards De Haan. For exact times and routes we always recommend to use the website


If you want to determine the exact route from your own street to De Haan? Please it could fill. The form below.

Simply fill in your departure address and then press "Calculate Route". Then your route will be calculated. This may take a few seconds. Next you can just print the route.

De Haan, Belgie