What to Experience in De Haan: Events & Activities

Below, you'll find our selection of the finest events in De Haan and the surrounding region. Especially in the summer, there are almost daily festivities, ranging from markets and folklore to music performances and sporting events. Yet, even outside the summer season, there's plenty to enjoy in terms of varied activities.


Eind juni

Folk festival around Hubert Mill. Focus on old crafts related to the mill business; visit the restored working Hubert Mill, book market and folk sports.

Tourist's day

Early July

We welcome all tourists in De Haan and Wenduine during the new season!


Ook dit jaar stellen de lokale gastronomen een culinair gerecht voor dat zij speciaal voor Kok@Zee samenstelden. Ontdek de culinaire gerechten aan de diverse standjes en geniet met uw gezelschap van de verfijnde smaken die de lokale chef-koks in hun gerecht aanbieden. Proef en geniet in het sfeervolle park!