Bredene is the first and only Belgian coastal town with a nude beach.
More information:
Below is the location marked:
All information about horse riding on the beach or in the environment (including local riding schools) can be found on the riding page:
[Answer in Dutch]
Barbecueën op het strand van De Haan is door de lokale gemeente verboden. Dit is bepaald in de Algemene Politieverordening van de gemeente De Haan.
With regard to the public security fire (including a campfire, fire pit, grill or barbecue) is prohibited at all times on the beach of De Haan.
Access to and use of the beaches of De Haan is (of course) free.
tel. +32 475 86 03 72
tel. +32 476 33 23 60
't Strangegat
tel. +32 484 66 91 78
tel. +32 477 48 86 83
Amanté Beach
tel. +32 498 73 78 06
tel. +32 478 24 83 88
Shiva Beach
tel. +32 471 49 41 44
Cabana Beach
tel. +32 473 21 31 42
Gilbert (trap 2)
tel. +32 479 24 11 77
Gilbert (trap 9)
tel. +32 486 33 50 95
Here you will find the requested information:
[Answer in Dutch]
Hengelen van op het strand van De Haan en van op de Rotonde te Wenduine is toegelaten gedurende het gehele jaar, met uitzondering van de bewaakte strand zones.
De andere strandgebruikers mogen niet gehinderd worden door de activiteit van de hengelaar of diens lijnen of haken.
Most shops, beach clubs, bars, terraces and restaurants remain open during the weekends in the low season. Many are also open throughout the week.
Each year the low season in De Haan begins after the autumn holidays till the beginning of the spring holidays. Several shops, beach clubs and restaurants use this period to rebuild, renew or for vacation. As a result, during this low season period, not all stores are opened every day.
Furthermore there is no general period when all the restaurants, bars and shops are closed. All entrepreneurs determine the temporary closure individually. Therefore is there are, also in the low season, enough shops and restaurants opened for you to enjoy.
More information:
All information about horse riding on the beach or in the environment (including local riding schools) can be found on the riding page:
You can rent chairs, windbreakers and umbrellas at various beach pavilions in De Haan.
Further, we also recommend reading the information board, with the local beach rules, which is often placed near every beach (entrance).
Leashed dogs are allowed all year from beach de Duinpan.
Biking on beach is forbidden by the municipality De Haan.
There are free showers at various beaches in De Haan. Inter alia:
These beach showers are placed annually in early May and again removed from the beach at the end of September.